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As a brand you want and must be unique, otherwise, you will not stand out among all competitors, that is exactly what you want! Why you are different from other brands depends on your brand’s personality. The personality of a brand consists (in short) of all qualities and characteristics that are consistently brought out, which say something about the brand. The content and the message behind it are of great importance, but also think of the employees who, for example, may come across as sympathetic or less sympathetic. It is important for your brand that all employees are aligned with regard to the personality of the organization. So, make sure that all the important information about the desired personality of your brand is known to all employees so that this can also be radiated.

Starting internally = winning externally


From the receptionist to the IT specialist, to the marketing manager. Everyone matters. In this way, every employee can ensure that your brand grows. Therefore, include every employee in the choices that are made and ensure that everyone remains well informed about everything that happens around the brand. The last thing you want is employees who talk badly about your brand to the outside world. When an employee feels seen within the company, he/she is also less likely to express dissatisfaction towards the outside world.


Starting internally = winning externally. This sounds a bit cliche, but it’s true. By communicating well internally with your employees, you often ensure greater mutual satisfaction. For example, schedule evaluation interviews in which internal annoyances and problems can be tackled. Internal satisfaction often stands out externally, which ensures that people can experience your brand as more positive or interesting. In addition, you also just want your employees to be satisfied, don’t you!?

Let me guess, are there three examples of what to do and three examples of what not to do in your brand guide?"


‘Yes, very clear!’, I can already hear you say it… But does everyone think that too? It is sometimes quite difficult to translate the personality of a brand into the content. Think, for example, of the tone of voice… Let me guess, are there three examples of what to do and three examples of what not to do in your brand guide? You still can’t do much with that… Maybe it’s time to explain your brand guide as a form of internal branding. Tell why you have chosen a certain vision, why these are your core values ​​and why this tone of voice suits your brand. Perhaps someone in the IT department has never heard of your brand guide but has sent emails to customers with a completely different tone of voice. That’s the last thing you want.


How often do you and the entire team sit together physically? Not just through Teams for example. No, I’m really talking about a physical meeting. Let your brand come to life. Talk to each other in real life, instead of a phone call or through your internal communication tool. Why a brand has to live? This ensures that there is always something happening around your brand, which results in it attracting attention. This applies to the target group, but also certainly to the employees. If nothing happens internally, it quickly gets boring and the brand often does not come to life. So, make sure you have enough offline meetings and organize a company outing. Bring people together, in this way you ensure that you work as one team and that you also radiate this.

Have we convinced you to start with internal branding within your company? If not, here are two examples of brands where internal branding has paid off:


At Adobe, the workforce is number one and they do it well. As a brand, they have developed Adobe’s Social Shift Program, which gives employees insight into, among other things, the social media guidelines and a number of different best practices about social media. In addition, this program encourages Adobe employees to become brand ambassadors. Through this Social Shift program, Adobe motivates its employees every day to challenge their creative minds. For example, Adobe has an Adobe Life blog, where the Adobe ambassadors write blogs in which they give a look behind the scenes of working at Adobe. By providing creative freedom in the workplace, Adobe ensures that all employees radiate what is most important to them, namely creativity. This is also a good example of internal branding.


AFAS Software is an organization where internal branding is indispensable. It is also not surprising that they were named internal branding company of the year in 2021. A good example of a piece of internal branding at AFAS can be seen here. AFAS always tries to make the best of it for the employees, whatever the circumstances are.

So, what are you waiting for? Let your brand grow through internal branding…. Involve everyone in your branding process, start from the inside and see how you can grow your brand externally through internal resources. Curious about what else is possible in the field of internal branding? Feel free to contact us, no question is too crazy!