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the creative concept

Cutting through the noise with our concepts for campaigns and films

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Gobsmacking concepts are built through structured co-creation.

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Creative Brief

Our journey together begins. We are briefed by you and together we map out the motivation and objective. We have a transparent conversation in which we develop a deeper understanding of your vision, brand and organization. Distilling the WHY plays an important role. Has it already been formulated? Is there an intermediate step necessary to make it sharper? We ask a lot of questions and receive all the information, documents and other things that can help with the creative process from you. We sink our teeth into it...



We fundamentally believe in human creativity. We believe that every ground-breaking idea originates from the 'magic spark' in the human brain and not from some datasheet. Yet we see data and the facts as an indispensable basis for a strong concept. Our credo in this is: “Data can validate creativity, but never drive it.” We do extensive research into the market and the target group and summarise this in concise conclusions and guidelines.


Brainstorm (Co-creation)

Our internal brainstorming session, in which the creative juices should flow freely... and we have our ways of facilitating this. A mind map, visual association techniques, writing down individual ideas within a set time, Pinterest moodboards... it will be a lively and colourful session. Afterwards, we will discuss and filter thoroughly and we will end up with a selection of textual and visual themes.



After our collective brainstorming, we will develop the first ideas within our team. We do this by creating two or three concise concepts. We write these out and support these concepts with visuals that are related to the idea in terms of content or style. We also create our own visual examples based on the idea. We incorporate all of this in a concise presentation.



We present our ideas to you, and we listen carefully to your reaction and feedback. Together, we will choose one of the ideas. What follows is a brainstorming session based on the selected idea. The first concrete ideas are shared and we map out practical matters. How, for example, can we integrate the idea into the current 'touch points' with your target audience? Together, we sketch the framework for the final concept.



Now it is up to us to transform the concept developed together with you into a complete, ready-to-use campaign concept; so complete that the production of deliverables can be initiated immediately. The 'final concept' that we present to you consists of an elaborate concept document accompanied by several visual and textual application examples.


Creative Concept Document

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Gobsmacked explained under 3 minutes
the process

A swift and effective 4-step method to get you from ‘woolly to fully’.

The very reason our offering exists comes from our decade-long experience of talking to and working for numerous customers. From start-up to corporate, all have instances where they struggle to narrow down exactly what they sell.  The result can be that all external communication about their product or service misses the mark. Suboptimal agency briefings and a gap between sales and marketing included.

“Gobsmacked’s creativity and eye for detail has put us in the spearhead of our industry. Ian and his team delivered a rock solid concept for our next brand campaigns and brand video.”

John Doe — CEO at Nooteboom Trailer

the outcome

Result? The most important document of your business.

Our components help you build common layouts with precision and clarity. Making the whole process easier and faster.


Digital value proposition canvas

Meaningful conclusions from the research and canvas session

Content recommendations

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Brand response copywriting

Powerful, ready-to-use brand response copy

Messaging guidelines

Recommendations on how to turn your proposition into a content strategy that sells
The Creative Concept

A thoroughly researched, razor-sharp value proposition for your product, service, or brand.

Package details
3-4 weeks lead time
One fixed fee
Fully remote
Get started
Rock solid results within no-time

Not sure if this service suits your brand? Book a free 1-hour brainstorming sessions with us to get more clarity. No strings attached.

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